Results for 'David Scott Brown'

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  1.  25
    Time-evolving psychological processes over repeated decisions.David Gunawan, Guy E. Hawkins, Robert Kohn, Minh-Ngoc Tran & Scott D. Brown - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (3):438-456.
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    The Question of humanism: challenges and possibilities.David Goicoechea, John Luik & Tim Madigan (eds.) - 1991 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    For centuries, humanists have celebrated and cherished the limitless potential of humankind and its irrepressible spirit. For its efforts to develop rational solutions to human problems rather than invoking supernatural intervention, humanism has been rewarded with a rich and distinguished heritage whose contributors include many of the brightest minds of intellectual history. Advocating reason, critical intelligence, free and objective inquiry, democratic institutions, and moral values based on human experience, humanism stands in steadfast opposition to the moral, political, and social oppression (...)
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  3. Comparison blindness.K. Scott-Brown, M. J. Baker & H. Orbach - 2000 - Visual Cognition 7:253-267.
  4.  21
    A reply to a symposium on Colin Ward and the art of anarchy.Sophie Scott-Brown - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (5):868-871.
    Many thanks to Professor Stuart White, Professor Matthew Adams, and Professor Melanie Nolan for their sensitive readings and insightful comments. All raise different but important points which I sh...
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    An activist stage craft? Performative politics in the First British New Left.Sophie Scott-Brown - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (1):129-143.
    ABSTRACT The First British New Left formed around two journals, The New Reasoner edited by E.P.Thompson and John Saville, and the Universities and Left Review edited by Stuart Hall, Gabriel Pearson, Raphael Samuel and Charles Taylor. Both sought a ‘new’ socialism which, based on a loose concept of socialist humanism, restored the role of the individual and revitalised a popular left movement. Early commentators critiqued its lack of robust theory and organisational structure. More recently, others have proposed that, particularly amongst (...)
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    Rethinking the Socialist Intellectual in the British First New Left.Sophie Scott-Brown - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (5):591-608.
    The first British New Left formed in response to a crisis in international and British socialism. Although never a formal movement, its associated members set themselves the tasks of, first, confronting the rapid change transforming social life at both global and national scales, and second, articulating a new political culture able to accommodate the good and resist the bad of it. As part of this process, a series of intense debates took place on the role of the socialist intellectual in (...)
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    Utopian anti-utopianism: rethinking Cold War liberalism through British anarchism.Sophie Scott-Brown - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review.
    Isaiah Berlin’s “Two Concepts of Liberty” lecture was the iconic statement of Cold War liberalism, an expression of all its insights and limitations. It divided critics then and now: was it a stimulating restatement of classical liberalism with revitalising potential for post-war democracy or a conservative retreat from politics that paralysed liberalism as both a social and political force? This article approaches the debate from a side angle. It looks at how the Freedom anarchist group addressed the problems raised by (...)
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    On Color.David Scott Kastan & Stephen Farthing - 2018 - New Haven: Yale University Press. Edited by Stephen Farthing.
    _Ranging from Homer to Picasso, and from the Iranian Revolution to _The Wizard of Oz_, this spirited and radiant book awakens us anew to the role of color in our lives_ Our lives are saturated by color. We live in a world of vivid colors, and color marks our psychological and social existence. But for all color’s inescapability, we don’t know much about it. Now authors David Scott Kastan and Stephen Farthing offer a fresh and imaginative exploration of (...)
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    After Lavinia: A Literary History of Premodern Marriage Diplomacy by John Watkins.David Scott Gehring - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (1):157-158.
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    What Does It All Mean? [REVIEW]David Benjamin & Jeremy Scott - 1988 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 7 (4):28-29.
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    Neuroscience perspectives on security.Elena Rusconi, Kenneth C. Scott-Brown & Andrea Szymkowiak - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  12.  26
    Breaking the cycle of mistrust: Wise interventions to provide critical feedback across the racial divide.David Scott Yeager, Valerie Purdie-Vaughns, Julio Garcia, Nancy Apfel, Patti Brzustoski, Allison Master, William T. Hessert, Matthew E. Williams & Geoffrey L. Cohen - 2014 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (2):804-824.
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  13. Deterritorialisation and Schizoanalysis in David Fincher's Fight Club.David H. Fleming & William Brown - 2011 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 5 (2):275-299.
    Taking a schizoanalytic approach to audio-visual images, this article explores some of the radical potentia for deterritorialisation found within David Fincher's Fight Club (1999). The film's potential for deterritorialisation is initially located in an exploration of the film's form and content, which appear designed to interrogate and transcend a series of false binaries between mind and body, inside and outside, male and female. Paying attention to the construction of photorealistic digital spaces and composited images, we examine the actual (and (...)
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  14.  37
    Can monolinguals be like bilinguals? Evidence from dialect switching.Neil W. Kirk, Vera Kempe, Kenneth C. Scott-Brown, Andrea Philipp & Mathieu Declerck - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):164-178.
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    Through a (First) Contact Lens Darkly: Arrival, Unreal Time and Chthulucinema.David H. Fleming & William Brown - 2018 - Film-Philosophy 22 (3):340-363.
    Science fiction is often held up as a particularly philosophical genre. For, beyond actualising mind-experiment-like fantasies, science fiction films also commonly toy with speculative ideas, or else engineer encounters with the strange and unknown. Denis Villeneuve's Arrival is a contemporary science fiction film that does exactly this, by introducing Lovecraft-esque tentacular aliens whose arrival on Earth heralds in a novel, but ultimately paralysing, inhuman perspective on the nature of time and reality. This article shows how this cerebral film invites viewers (...)
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    Behavioral biases when viewing multiplexed scenes: scene structure and frames of reference for inspection.Matthew J. Stainer, Kenneth C. Scott-Brown & Benjamin W. Tatler - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Structure‐guided insights on the role of NS1 in flavivirus infection.David L. Akey, W. Clay Brown, Joyce Jose, Richard J. Kuhn & Janet L. Smith - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (5):489-494.
    We highlight the various domains of the flavivirus virulence factor NS1 and speculate on potential implications of the NS1 3D structure in understanding its role in flavivirus pathogenesis. Flavivirus non‐structural protein 1 (NS1) is a virulence factor with dual functions in genome replication and immune evasion. Crystal structures of NS1, combined with reconstructions from electron microscopy (EM), provide insight into the architecture of dimeric NS1 on cell membranes and the assembly of a secreted hexameric NS1‐lipid complex found in patient sera. (...)
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  18. Spheres of Awareness: A Wilberian Integral Approach to Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, and Art.Katherine R. Allison, David Scott Arnold, Brian Hines, Thomas Madden, Mike McElroy, Linda E. Olds, Philip Rubinov Jacobson & Mary Jane Zimmerman (eds.) - 2009 - Upa.
    This book moves toward building a new and more comprehensive theory of literature, philosophy, psychology, and art. The extremely popular work of Ken Wilber, unites the best of both western and eastern thought and affirms that the stages of consciousness, more refined than that of the reasoning mind, do exist.
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    Town-Gown Partnerships: Experiential Exercises for Education in Social Innovation.Aimee Dars Ellis, Duncan Duke, G. Scott Erickson, Marian Brown & Katherine Oertel - 2013 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 24:278-283.
    Experiential education produces numerous benefits to students in terms of higher order thinking skills such as the ability to evaluate, analyze, and synthesizeinformation , engagement , and work-readiness . Partnering with community organizations provides a means to create experiential education opportunities for students. In this symposium, we discussed three examples of experiential education to promote learning around themes of sustainability, providing a brief outline of the activities, the intended outcomes, and the lessons learned from our experiences. We concluded with a (...)
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  20. Reciprocal Relations Between Cognitive Neuroscience and Cognitive Models: Opposites Attract?John T. Serences Birte U. Forstmann, Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, Tom Eichele, Scott Brown - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (6):272.
  21.  25
    A book of ecological virtues: living well in the anthropocene.Heesoon Bai, David Chang & Charles Scott (eds.) - 2020 - Regina, Saskatchewan: University of Regina Press.
    What does living well look like in the Anthropocene? Despite our brief tenure on planet Earth, we have reached an epoch--the Anthropocene--that is characterized by our species' uncanny ability to spoil our own nest. In the face of this somber reality of ecological degradation, The Book of Ecological Virtues asks the all-important question, "What does living well look like in the Anthropocene?" It is vitally important that we turn towards the cultivation of ecovirtues, a new set of values by which (...)
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  22.  48
    Spiritual and Political Dimensions of Nonviolence and Peace.David Boersema & Katy Gray Brown (eds.) - 2006 - Brill | Rodopi.
    This book is a collection of philosophical papers that explores theoretical and practical aspects and implications of nonviolence as a means of establishing peace. The papers range from spiritual and political dimensions of nonviolence to issues of justice and values and proposals for action and change.
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    Survey on Using Ethical Principles in Environmental Field Research with Place-Based Communities.Dianne Quigley, Alana Levine, David A. Sonnenfeld, Phil Brown, Qing Tian & Xiaofan Wei - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):477-517.
    Researchers of the Northeast Ethics Education Partnership at Brown University sought to improve an understanding of the ethical challenges of field researchers with place-based communities in environmental studies/sciences and environmental health by disseminating a questionnaire which requested information about their ethical approaches to these researched communities. NEEP faculty sought to gain actual field guidance to improve research ethics and cultural competence training for graduate students and faculty in environmental sciences/studies. Some aspects of the ethical challenges in field studies are (...)
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  24.  26
    Gilbert Simondon's Psychic and Collective Individuation: A Critical Introduction and Guide.David Scott - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    One of the most innovative and brilliant philosophers of his generation, but largely neglected until he was brought to public attention by Gilles Deleuze, Gilbert Simondon presents a challenge to nearly every category and method of traditional philosophy. Psychic and Collective Individuation is undoubtedly Simondon's most important work and its influence, clearly felt in Stiegler and DeLanda, has continued to grow. David Scott provides the first full introduction to this work, which will inspire as well as instruct philosophers (...)
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  25.  39
    The distraction paradigm: Equating difficulty is difficult.Damaso Karlye, Provost Alexander, Michie Pat, Brown Scott, Schall Ulrich & Todd Juanita - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  26. Implicit learning as an ability.Scott Barry Kaufman, Colin G. DeYoung, Jeremy R. Gray, Luis Jiménez, Jamie Brown & Nicholas Mackintosh - 2010 - Cognition 116 (3):321-340.
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    Undone Science: Charting Social Movement and Civil Society Challenges to Research Agenda Setting.David J. Hess, Gwen Ottinger, Joanna Kempner, Jeff Howard, Sahra Gibbon & Scott Frickel - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (4):444-473.
    ‘‘Undone science’’ refers to areas of research that are left unfunded, incomplete, or generally ignored but that social movements or civil society organizations often identify as worthy of more research. This study mobilizes four recent studies to further elaborate the concept of undone science as it relates to the political construction of research agendas. Using these cases, we develop the argument that undone science is part of a broader politics of knowledge, wherein multiple and competing groups struggle over the construction (...)
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  28.  32
    Is absolute identification always relative? Comment on Stewart, Brown, and Chater (2005).Scott Brown, A. A. J. Marley & Yves Lacouture - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (2):528-532.
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  29. Mill's Utilitarianism: Critical Essays.Elizabeth S. Anderson, F. R. Berger, David O. Brink, D. G. Brown, Amy Gutmann, Peter Railton, J. O. Urmson & Henry R. West (eds.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism continues to serve as a rich source of moral and theoretical insight. This collection of articles by top scholars offers fresh interpretations of Mill's ideas about happiness, moral obligation, justice, and rights. Applying contemporary philosophical insights, the articles challenge the conventional readings of Mill, and, in the process, contribute to a deeper understanding of utilitarian theory as well as the complexity of moral life.
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    Theory of attentional operations in shape identification.David LaBerge & Vincent Brown - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (1):101-124.
  31. Sovereign states and suits before arbitral tribunals and courts of justice.James Brown Scott - 1925 - New York City: New York University Press.
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    Conscripts of Modernity: The Tragedy of Colonial Enlightenment.David Scott - 2004 - Duke University Press.
    DIVUses C.L.R. James’sThe Black Jacobins as a jumping-off point for a reconsideration of colonial and postcolonial concepts of history, politics, and agency./div.
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    Appropriateness of dream feelings to dreamed situations.David Foulkes, Brenda Sullivan, Nancy H. Kerr & Lisa Brown - 1988 - Cognition and Emotion 2 (1):29-39.
  34.  6
    How Is Böhme Relevant Today? The Peculiar Case of Philip K. Dick.Scott Brown - 2023 - In Lucinda Martin & Cecilia Muratori (eds.), Jacob Böhme in Three Worlds: The Reception in Central-Eastern Europe, the Netherlands, and Britain. De Gruyter. pp. 387-400.
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    God in a single vision: integrating philosophy and theology.David Brown - 2016 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Christopher R. Brewer.
    In the ancient conversation between Western philosophy and Christian theology, powerful contemporary voices are arguing for monologue rather than dialogue. Instead of these two disciplines learning from and mutually informing each other, both philosophers and theologians are increasingly disconnected from, and thus unable to hear, what the other is saying, especially in Anglo-American scholarship. Some Christian philosophers are now found claiming methodological authority over doctrine, while some Christian theologians even deny that philosophy has its own integrity as a separate discipline. (...)
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  36.  29
    Effects of extradimensional training on stimulus generalization.David R. Thomas, Frederick Freeman, John G. Svinicki, D. E. Scott Burr & Joseph Lyons - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (1p2):1.
  37.  31
    The Light vs. Dark Triad of Personality: Contrasting Two Very Different Profiles of Human Nature.Scott Barry Kaufman, David Bryce Yaden, Elizabeth Hyde & Eli Tsukayama - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    While there is a growing literature on “dark traits” (i.e., socially aversive traits), there has been a lack of integration with the burgeoning research literature on positive traits and fulfilling and growth-oriented outcomes in life. To help move the field toward greater integration, we contrasted the nomological network of the Dark Triad (a well-studied cluster of socially aversive traits) with the nomological network of the Light Triad, measured by the 12-item Light Triad Scale (LTS). The LTS is a first draft (...)
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  38. Critical Essays on Major Curriculum Theorists.David Scott - 2007 - Routledge.
    This volume offers a critical appreciation of the work of 16 leading curriculum theorists through critical expositions of their writings. Written by a leading name in Curriculum Studies, the book includes a balance of established curriculum thinkers and contemporary curriculum analysts from education as well as philosophy, sociology and psychology. With theorists from the UK, the US and Europe, there is also a spread of political perspectives from radical conservatism through liberalism to socialism and libertarianism. Theorists included are: John Dewey, (...)
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  39. Transformations of Urban and Suburban Landscapes: Perspectives From Philosophy, Geography, and Architecture.Ruth Connell, Francis Conroy, Mary A. Hague, James Hatley, David Macauley, John A. Scott, Derek Shanahan & Nancy Siegel (eds.) - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    The study of landscape and place has become an increasingly fertile realm of inquiry in the humanities and social sciences. In this new book of essays, selected from presentations at the first annual meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Geography, scholars investigate the experiences and meanings that inscribe urban and suburban landscapes. Gary Backhaus and John Murungi bring philosophy and geography into a dialogue with a host of other disciplines to explore a fundamental dialectic: while our collective and personal (...)
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  40. Science, democracy, and the right to research.Mark B. Brown & David H. Guston - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (3):351-366.
    Debates over the politicization of science have led some to claim that scientists have or should have a “right to research.” This article examines the political meaning and implications of the right to research with respect to different historical conceptions of rights. The more common “liberal” view sees rights as protections against social and political interference. The “republican” view, in contrast, conceives rights as claims to civic membership. Building on the republican view of rights, this article conceives the right to (...)
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  41.  5
    Stuart Hall's voice: intimations of an ethics of receptive generosity.David Scott - 2017 - London: Duke University Press.
    In these series of letters which David Scott wrote to Stuart Hall following his death Scott characterizes Hall's voice and his practice of speaking, listening, and generosity as the foundational elements of Hall's intellectual work.".
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    Gilles Deleuze's Contributions to David Hume, sa vie, son œuvre : translator's introduction.David Scott - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (2):175-180.
  43.  49
    Pierre Bourdieu: Fieldwork in Culture.David Eick, Nicholas Brown & Imre Szeman - 2000 - Substance 29 (3):113.
  44.  27
    A Ballistic Model of Choice Response Time.Scott Brown & Andrew Heathcote - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (1):117-128.
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    Posttraumatic stress in organizations: Types, antecedents, and consequences.Scott David Williams & Jonathan Williams - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (1):23-40.
    Research indicates that the well‐being and productivity of over 100 million people in the global workforce may be compromised by posttraumatic stress (PTS). Given that work‐related experiences are often the source of the trauma that leads to PTS, and that PTS due to any cause can interfere with employees’ job performance, organizations would do well to consider the antecedents and consequences of PTS. This review of research—primarily within fields adjacent to business—on the types, antecedents, consequences, and organizational implications of PTS (...)
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    (1 other version)Relationships Between Religious Orientations and Flow Experiences: An Exploratory Study.Scott R. Brown & Alida S. Westman - 2008 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 30 (1):235-240.
    A convenience sample of 171 students answered a questionnaire indicating their religious orientations and the frequency and intensity of their flow experiences . Flow experiences are similar to athletes' experiences of "being in the zone." Intrinsics live by their religion, and Intrinsic religiosity was associated with fewer flow experiences in everyday activities.Extrinsics want the benefits of belonging. Extrinsic religiosity correlated with less intense flow experiences, and these experiences were more frequent during public religious gatherings than private prayer or meditation.
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  47.  59
    The Social Psychology of Experience: studies in remembering and forgetting.David Middleton & Steven Brown - 2005 - Sage Publications.
    It is very much connected to the social psychology of experience. This book is written for advanced undergraduate, masters and doctoral students in social psychology.
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    Jazz and the Philosophy of Art.Lee B. Brown & David Goldblatt - 2018 - New York: Routledge. Edited by David Goldblatt & Theodore Gracyk.
    Co-authored by three prominent philosophers of art, Jazz and the Philosophy of Art is the first book in English to be exclusively devoted to philosophical issues in jazz. It covers such diverse topics as minstrelsy, bebop, Voodoo, social and tap dancing, parades, phonography, musical forgeries, and jazz singing, as well as Goodman's allographic/autographic distinction, Adorno's critique of popular music, and what improvisation is and is not. The book is organized into three parts. Drawing on innovative strategies adopted to address challenges (...)
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  49.  35
    Replication and extension of long-term implicit memory: Perceptual priming but conceptual cessation.David B. Mitchell, Corwin L. Kelly & Alan S. Brown - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 58 (C):1-9.
  50.  45
    The Impact of Retraction on Citation Networks.Charisse R. Madlock-Brown & David Eichmann - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (1):127-137.
    Article retraction in research is rising, yet retracted articles continue to be cited at a disturbing rate. This paper presents an analysis of recent retraction patterns, with a unique emphasis on the role author self-cites play, to assist the scientific community in creating counter-strategies. This was accomplished by examining the following: A categorization of retracted articles more complete than previously published work. The relationship between citation counts and after-retraction self-cites from the authors of the work, and the distribution of self-cites (...)
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